Pop, Rock Song Lyrics: Chasing Dreams for $40

In Songwriters By Bichon

Pop, Rock Song Lyrics: Chasing Dreams for $40

Lyrics by:

Bichon ©

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The weight of the world upon my shoulders
Each step feels like I'm moving boulders
I know that life is never fair
But I refuse to drown in despair

I need to break free, spread my wings, and fly
But something holds me back; I don't know why
I wonder if I'm brave enough to make a change
To shatter the mold, to step beyond my range
It's scary to take risks, to leave my comfort zone
But to reach my dreams, I'll have to walk alone
I know I might stumble; I may even fall
But I'm certain that without risk, I won't achieve much at all

My heart yearns to soar, to reach for the stars
But something keeps me bound; it feels like prison bars
I wonder if I'm strong enough to take the leap
To leave the status quo, to dare and dream deep
It's daunting to take risks, to venture into the unknown
But staying put won't get me where I want to go
I know I might stumble or even fall
But without risk, I'll never achieve anything at all

I've had enough of playing it safe
It's time to step up and take my place
To break the chains and liberate my soul
And take the reins; I'm in control
Fear of failure held me back
But now I'm ready to attack
I'll take the risk; I'll face the fight
And chase my dreams with all my might

I carry the weight of my past mistakes
But I refuse to let them seal my fate
I'll take a chance; I'll take a risk
And let my heart guide me through the mist
I'll face the unknown with a hopeful heart
And trust that each step will be a fresh start
I'll cast off doubt and leave it behind
With a fearless heart and a focused mind

I've had enough of playing it safe
It's time to step up and take my place
To break the chains and liberate my soul
And take the reins; I'm in control
Fear of failure held me back
But now I'm ready to attack
I'll take the risk; I'll face the fight
And chase my dreams with all my might

As the song comes to an end
I'm reminded that risks are my friend
The fear that held me back for so long
Now seems so small, so weak, so wrong

These lyrics tell the story of a person facing inner demons and struggling with their identity. The person feels lost, confused, and disconnected from the world but ultimately finds hope and strength to keep going.

  • Rock
  • Pop
  • Pop-Rock
  • Folk
  • Country
  • Bluegrass

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