Full Service Mixing + Mastering in Studio One for $75

In Mixing In Audio Editing 100% Guarantee By Jakey Wakey

Full Service Mixing + Mastering in Studio One for $75

Don't get lost in the sauce; make music, and I'll do the rest.

For this price, you agree to allow me to broadcast the mixing process on my YT channel, Get Songs Done.

Includes Stereo Master and stems.

Get the best before the price increases

Tuned vocals, loud (but not crunchy) masters, clean analog/classic console vibes, and much more!

Get vocals tuned/time-aligned at no extra cost.
Want to thicken your vocal with digital harmonies?

I got you.

72hr max delivery. You get a preview/rough mix back within 24 hours.

Get a professional-sounding mix of your song.

  • Hip Hop
  • Pop
  • Pop-Rock
  • Rock
  • Hard Rock
  • Singer-Songwriter

Don't Get Excited

  • Don't Get Excited
  • You Meant Well

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