Complete SONG from your ACCAPELLA or rough DEMO for $1111

In Backing Tracks By Jakey Wakey

Complete SONG from your ACCAPELLA or rough DEMO for $1111

Need a better backing track for your FL mobile, Bandlab, voice memo, or tiktok vocals?

For a limited time, get full-service music production for your acapella vocal track or existing rough demo.

I'll denoise your vocal and help you to get a great sounding production going.

You'll get full instrumentation and a mix that works for social media and beyond.

Only have 30 seconds to a minute of vocals? I'll create a full arrangement for you to inspire more songwriting and vocal production.

  • Hip Hop
  • Pop
  • Pop-Rock
  • Trap
  • Rock
  • Singer-Songwriter


Trap Pop Production Track (After 24 Hours)
  • Trop
  • Forever Young

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