I write lyrics for songs of any genre. If you want a song that your listeners will connect to and will hit them right in the feels. Hit me up and we will make that happen. for $35

In Songwriters 100% Guarantee By Anuragd

I write lyrics for songs of any genre. If you want a song that your listeners will connect to and will hit them right in the feels. Hit me up and we will make that happen. for $35

I'm Anurag and I have been writing lyrics and poems since I was 13 year old.
Many of my poems have been published in Local newspapers and book publications. One of the song I had written had also been shortlisted for a movie.
If you have an idea for a song that you think will be a hit but you don't have the lyrics for the song, you can contact me. All you have to do is tell me about the mood of the song and how you want it to be. I will write the song for you including the Intro, Verse, Pre chorus, Chorus, bridge and outro.
I guarantee that your listeners will love the lyrics and also it will always compliment the song.

  • Hip Hop
  • EDM
  • Folk
  • Classical
  • Pop
  • Trap

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