Song writing for $100

In Songwriters 100% Guarantee By Adam Klett

Song writing for $100

Do you want completely original lyrics for your melody? Do you want lyrics that are clever and tie into your theme? Do you need an entire song written from scratch? Need someone to put a melody to your lyrics? I'm your man. I'm offering my services as a writer of lyrics and or melody. Most of my experience is in modern country music but I've reached into the rock world a little.
$75 gets you one of the following
- lyrics for preexisting melody
- a melody for your preexisting lyrics.
- lyrics specific to your life put into one of my songs (ie you want a song to sing to your wife/ husband I can write your personal details into one of my already existing songs)
Don't be afraid to ask for something custom. I'll work with you!

  • Country
  • Pop-Rock
  • Punk
  • Pop
  • Rock
  • Rockabilly


This is the latest release from my band. I'm the lead singer and I wrote it. This one has pretty simple lyrics, but it's a fun one
  • Frank
  • Worn

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