Results for "drum"
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BlurryCloud Productions uses Cubase 9.5 Pro time alignment and manual editing, paying excruciating attention to detai...
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Looking to take your recordings to the next level? As a Music Producer and Audio Engineer specialized in editing, I'm...
Pro Tools Drum Editing Using Beat Detective and Manual Editing Drums Edited Perfectly to whatever BPM you want S...
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Hi. My name is Yotam Haredi. I'm a drummer, arranger, sound designer, and music producer. From my years of experie...
Drums editing per song made manually to reach the finest sound and groove your drums can be! Working in Pro Tools,...
I know that as a drummer, we want to hear our drums pop out on the track, when you want to hear your sick chops and o...
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Need your drums to fall perfectly on time? We got you covered! Just send us your individual multi-tracked drum fil...
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The process of editing drums it is very important to get punch and modern sound. I will edit your drums on Protool...
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I work in Studio One 6 Pro and have edited drums to the grid for multiple productions. It takes me about 2 hours typi...
Modern music production requires drums recordings to have a stable tempo and accurate down beats. This not only essen...
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Hi! I'm Angelo, and I own a recording studio where I produce, write, record, and mix. In my studio, I personally hand...
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I employ slip editing techniques to align all drum hits perfectly without sacrificing the organic essence of the perf...
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Hey! My name is Kian, and I'm a producer, DJ, and mixing engineer based in the UK. With over 9 years of experience pr...
I'll line up your multitrack drums for a maximum of 10/12 tracks. Choose how you want the work to be done: precisel...
Hello! I'm a drummer and midi programmer for several years. If you have a drumcover that you want to upload to YouTu...
After working with audio for over 20 years, and doing mixes and masters for clients for about 12 years, I can confide...
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Selecciona las mejores tomas para reflejar el mejor performance posible además, edita y cuantiza tus baterías para qu...
As Dave Otero's assistant for the past several years and through my own clients, I've edited drums for Cattle Decapit...
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This listing is for an acoustic drum performance of no longer than 5 minutes to be time aligned to the project tempo....