Rap features and marketing. Get 16 bars or a hook for your song. You will also get help marketing to KI Back At It fans for $200
Upcoming rappers and singers, if you're looking to advance your music career to the next you're on the right page. NJ rapper/CEO KI Back At It, will spit 16 bars or create a hook to your song. Everything will be professionally mixed, and mastered if you like. KI has over 30 singles and 8 albums on major platforms alone!
If the song will be placed on major streaming platforms, we will also help preform ORGANIC MUSIC MARKETING on the song as well. KI Back At It receives a total of 20k monthly listeners through all platforms combine. That will help to boost your popularity, listeners and stream count placing you on more music algorithms. For questions contact.
- Hip Hop
- Trap
- R&B
- Latin
- Pop
- Neo soul
- Rap
- Doubles
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