Custom marching drums & percussion tracks for $100

In Percussion 100% Guarantee By Frank Skillpero

Custom marching drums & percussion tracks for $100

Power up your tracks with some pounding war drums, get that tropical touch with various Latin percussion instruments and add some skillfully played marching snares while you're at it. I do full acoustic recordings in the studio or other suitable location, as well as electronic kit MIDI recordings. Whatever the method of recording, it's all human played by yours truly and that's what will set apart your tracks from any other clicked-in, straight-on-the-line percussive endeavor.

The price of $100 is per song with a maximum of 4m30s. Exceeding time is $50 a minute.
I deliver up to 8 separate instrument tracks. Additional instrument tracks can be negotiated.
Before I start the ‘real’ recordings, you will get a demo version to give feedback on (the 3 revisions). Once we agree on the basic idea, the drummings start for real.
The method of recording is up to me, I’ll do whatever gets you the best result.

  • Latin

[Skillpero Percussion Demo] Sharp Dressed Man

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