Backing Tracks/Karaoke Tracks/Song Production for $135

In Backing Tracks 100% Guarantee By A Natural Music & Art

Backing Tracks/Karaoke Tracks/Song Production for $135

I will provide a very professional, contemporary and high quality backing track for your original material, covers or live stage re-production. I will provide the basic rhythm section, Drums, Bass, Guitar, Piano for the price stated. Additional instruments like strings and brass sections can be discussed upon consultation.

I have a fully equipped Recording Studio at my disposal and I use LogicProX as my recording platform. I use Keyscape, Yamaha Montage, Kronos and Nord Stage, for my piano sounds along with Omnisphere and Arturia Synths. I retrieve my virtual plugins from Native Instruments..... piano, drums, bass, synths, etc. for endless creation.

I will be that "go to guy" for the completion of your musical projects. I can turn it all around for you in a timely manner with skillful style and Good taste.

I'm open for business - get in touch!


Keyboard work
  • Kingdom-Intro
  • Sunshyne Poco
  • Hardly Nothing

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