transcribe instrumental part or solo to sheet music for $15

In Transcription 100% Guarantee By Anton Samutin

transcribe instrumental part or solo to sheet music for $15

Transcribing music

Extracting instrumental part from track to sheet music; transcribing instrumental solos, adapting charts for piano, strings, brass section, complex track transcription and more other types of musical transcription. I'll provide PDF or MusicXML files. I'm using Finale MakeMus.

Writing arrangements for horn section
Let your track sound richer!

Want to have whole brass section in your track? I will arrange & provide charts for 3 piece horn section (trumpet, t.sax, trombone) clearly adapt & record it in track.
Also, I'm having cruise ship musician experience, I do write an arrangements for 7-8 pieces show band.
Preview's are unlimited for such orders.

Send me your track or sketch before ordering so we could discuss an ideas!

  • Pop
  • Jazz
  • Soul
  • Musical theatre
  • Singer-Songwriter
  • Latin

Ain't the Truth

by Paul Clark
  • Ain't the Truth

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