Will be a featured artist on your song for $125

In Songwriters By bnhdeluxe

Will be a featured artist on your song for $125

I’m a musical artist from Seattle, WA that goes by BNH Deluxe and I signed with Sub Pop Records (who’ve released music by Lil Tracy, Nirvana, Beach House, Fleet Foxes, and more) in 2021. I’ve worked with many artists, musicians and people of many different genres and styles, and I’m always down to collaborate on music.

I specialize primarily in the following genres: melodic rap / pop rap, mainstream pop, trap, emo rap, alternative rock, indie pop, folk, and heavy metal/screamo. If you want a broader perspective of my sound, it would obviously be a good idea to listen to my music first. I’ll try and leave audio samples of some of my songs below and make sure to include songs depicting every style I’ve done/can do, however to hear and understand the more hardcore rock/screamo music I’ve done (and everything in general), I recommend simply diving into my music on your preferred streaming service.

I record vocals on a Shure SM7B microphone at my home studio into Logic on a Macbook Pro. I mix and master all my vocals myself and can guarantee you a professional sound.

I look forward to working with you!

  • Pop
  • Rap
  • Pop-Rock
  • R&B
  • Rock

“so long” w/[NAHTE]

2nd track on my latest album
  • “so long” w/[NAHTE]
  • “on the go”
  • “talk about”
  • “to the ground”

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