I will write Song Lyrics to any instrumentals Country ,Hip-Hop ,Rock , Metal, Christian. LYRICS ONLY for $100

In Songwriters 100% Guarantee By Jaguar Militia

I will write Song Lyrics to any instrumentals Country ,Hip-Hop ,Rock , Metal, Christian. LYRICS ONLY for $100

Hi there! My name is Benjamin and I'm a country writer based in Arkansas. I've always had a love for music and the stories it tells. Whether it's about heartbreak, love, or just living life to the fullest, there's always a song that speaks to me.

I've been writing songs for as long as I can remember, and I've always had a knack for crafting lyrics that really resonate with people. My songs are honest and authentic, and I hope they can connect with others in a meaningful way.

I'm excited to share my music with the world through airgig.com, and I hope you'll give my lyrics a read. Thank you for considering me as a your writer!

  • Country
  • Christian
  • Hip Hop
  • Hard Rock
  • Pop-Rock
  • Punk

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