Lyricist for hire for $250

In Songwriters 100% Guarantee By Mark Caplan

Lyricist for hire for $250

You have this music in your head, and it means something to you. You accept that lyrics are not your strong suit, but these are your ideas and you'll be damned if someone is going to fuck up my vision.
Here's my deal: I hear your music with absolutely no input by you. I write a set of lyrics for you based on my feel. You include another link, with a video of you explaining what you see as you translate this sound and tell me your title for it and why that title.. I write a set of lyrics with that in mind. You choose which one you prefer, or we edit them together. If you like them both, $375.00.

Your move.

  • Americana
  • Country
  • Hard Rock
  • Lounge
  • Broadway

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