Professional Drum Tracks by Brian Petry for $75

In Drums By Brian Petry

Professional Drum Tracks by Brian Petry for $75

$75 per song for very professional drum tracks.

Rock, Pop, Country, Dance, Electronic Pop, Blues, Hybrid Drumming, or a good ole down south shuffle, I've got you covered.

I have a variety of high end drum kits, I have an arsenal of different snare drums, and I use Paiste cymbals. I also use Roland electronics (SPD SX Sample Pad). For the electronic intros into the acoustic kit, earthy electronic grooves, or straight up electronic pop, you're covered.

Evans Drumheads
Pro Mark Sticks
Puresound Snare Wires

Check out some of the artists I've recorded with on iTunes:
Dustin Sonnier, Shawn and Lance, Charley Rivers, Stealing Cane, Chris Leblanc Band, and many more...

814 Reviews