Get the song you like mixed professionaly for $40

In Mixing In Audio Editing 100% Guarantee By angelvihes

Get the song you like mixed professionaly for $40

**Music Production Service Summary:**

**Gear and Studio:**
Equipped with Sennheiser HD 650 headphones, my studio features industry-standard gear, including a high-end audio interface and premium microphones. Meticulous acoustic treatment ensures optimal recording and mixing conditions.

**Credits and Past Work:**
Collaborations with Cosmic Kid and Lolo Morales showcase expertise across diverse musical genres, emphasizing a commitment to tailored and exceptional results.

**Service Details:**
- **Tracks:** The service covers meticulous mixing and mastering for up to 24 tracks, with the option to include more for an additional fee.
- **Revisions:** Three included revisions allow collaborative refinement, with extra revisions available for an added cost.
- **Edits:** Basic edits are standard, while more complex tasks incur an additional fee.
- **Takes:** Two rounds of takes per part provide flexibility, with the option for further discussion and adjustment based on project needs.

1. **Pre-Production Consultation:** Detailed discussions set the foundation for a collaborative and tailored production approach, understanding the artist's vision and goals.

2. **Editing and Mixing:** Post-recording, meticulous editing and mixing enhance cohesion, balancing elements and shaping the sonic landscape to align with the artist's vision.

3. **Feedback and Revisions:** Up to three rounds of revisions based on artist feedback ensure the final product resonates authentically, refining the mix to meet creative intent.

This summary aims to convey a comprehensive understanding of the meticulous approach, technical expertise, and collaborative commitment defining the music production service. Whether you're an emerging or established artist, the goal is a tailored and professional experience to elevate your music. For specific inquiries or detailed project discussions, feel free to reach out.

  • EDM
  • Trap
  • House
  • Rap
  • Pop
  • Techno

Por Ti

  • Por Ti
  • Zaza

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