I MAKE A CUSTOM BACKING TRACK like the original for $75

In Backing Tracks By Vito Astone Music

I MAKE A CUSTOM BACKING TRACK like the original for $75

Are you a singer that posts covers on Youtube, TikTok,.. and need the perfect backing track/instrumental of a song that sounds as much as possible to the original song?
I can recreate drums, bass, guitars, synths, piano, for the many genres: Pop, Rock , funk, latin, commercial, dance, folk, country, Heavy Hip Hop, Orchestral...
I’m a producer, arranger, multiinstrumental and I can recreate lots of songs right from the bottom. (no vocal part)

I can make any music, starting from 75 dollars,
IMPORTANT : contact me before ordering, I will evaluate your needs and propose a custom offer to fulfill your needs!
I will be happy to help you!

(*the price may vary based on the complexity of the song )

  • Pop
  • Rock
  • Latin
  • Electronic
  • Country
  • Blues

Track 1

I produced all the instrumental tracks for this song
  • Track 1
  • Track 2
  • Track 3
  • Track 4
  • Track 5

12 Reviews