record any rock/punk guitar for $10

In Guitar By Austin

record any rock/punk guitar for $10

hello there! i'm austin and i'm the guitarist.
i can play just the rhythm, or rhythm and a solo which i can play simple and melodic and fancy shredding stuff. i'm very active here so i'll answer pretty fast if you have any questions about my service

fender kurt cobain jaguar
custom built strat with a seymour duncan jb in the bridge
a stadium strat
fender mustang
couple more strats
double neck sg copy

fender twin reverb
not technically a guitar amp, but i have a garnet p.a reverb that sounds killer especially with distortion
marshall slant cab with marshall code 100 amp head

boss ds-1
tech 21 sans-amp GT2
big muff
wah pedal
pro co r.a.t distortion
small clone chorus pedal
electro-harmonix stereo polychorus analog chorus/flanger/slapback/echo


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