Wild Guitar Synth Solos and Textures for $50

In Guitar 100% Guarantee By bigbillygrisack

Wild Guitar Synth Solos and Textures for $50

I've been playing guitar synths since they were invented. I am currently using a Strat with a Roland GR-55.

I record on a Mac using various recording programs.

A guitar synth offers a different quality to your track than parts played on a keyboard.

Vintage synth, strings, bells, harmonica, FX, harmony (ala Owner of a Lonely Heart), etc.

I will do 5 different solos or textures for you. Just tell me a feel or give an example of what you like.

You can use all five or choose one.

I offer a money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose. I would like credit if music is released commercially, but the work is 100% royalty free.

I also do drum programs, classic rock guitar and keyboard programming.

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