Music Mastering / Audio Editing for $75

In Mastering By Defying Silence

Music Mastering / Audio Editing for $75

First of all I will point the following out, the goal is to make your music sound better not trick your ears into believing it actually does. Do not be fooled by loud audio mastering. Just because it may sound good in one system does not mean it will not get compressed and limited in a different audio player. That is why we now have industry standards. If something is mastered properly it will mean you should receive multiple versions of your track at different LUFS.

All new modern audio players and especially new factory car stereos will compress your music drastically if it is too loud. Resulting in diminished sound quality. The loudness wars are over and I am surprised so many I hear on here offering services do not get this. I would rather have someone turn up the volume a little then turn it off. This is no different than being all relaxed watching something on your TV or on the radio and a commercial comes blaring out. It makes you want to smack the people that did this. Music is no different but there are acceptable compromises and guidelines.

So without going into too much detail, I can make your music sound better without a doubt in my mind. I have the correct studio monitors, multiple world class brands to switch between and a trained ear. I have over 34 years experience in production, for Studio, Live and Film. Including Analog and also Digital Audio from its infancy.

I will send you a sample of your mix at no charge and customize prices to fit your budget. Just ask, if you can't afford my listed rate... If something is not correct I will help you fix it on your end or on my end, either with stem mastering or other. I will not just fix the song to your liking I will make sure it sounds good on any medium. Or I simply will not charge you.

I deal with honesty and take pride in everything I touch musically. The main goal is to make your track sound good on any player or speaker system it is played through. and let it last through the times of changing industry standards. A lot of my external gear I no longer use. The plugins are just way to close to mess with external gear anymore but I do have access to vintage external gear. However, it is unlikely I will use it for a final editing stage. Let your final product you receive from me be the judge.

You can

  • Pop-Rock
  • Classical
  • Country
  • Hard Rock
  • Singer-Songwriter


Classical Instrumental
  • Forevermore
  • Bed Time Stories
  • Snowflake
  • Enchanted
  • No Mans Land
  • Will You Always

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