Multigenre Producer for $150

In Song Production 100% Guarantee By Giorgio Emidi

Multigenre Producer for $150

Original Tracks
Did you write guitar and vocals or piano and vocals? I'll help you turn them into songs that you can publish on all digital platforms or on a CD! Together we'll figure out the best arrangement that highlights your qualities as an artist, the best sounds to enhance your work as a songwriter. We will make a completely digital production of high quality to make your music known. Whether it's a single, an EP or an entire album.

If you want to be an artist on record labels you need demos with a high level of audio that make it clear that you're serious: no professional record company would give credit to songs recorded with a mobile phone or a microphone of poor quality, because every element within the recording must be clearly distinguishable and enhanced with mixes and effects. For this you need a recording and a mix made with production elements that make the difference!

Instrumental Track (Cover songs)
If you want to make a cover of a famous song for your Youtube channel or your socials, don't rely on cheap pre-packaged instrumental basics sold in series. To get more visibility and credibility you need more quality that only a careful and careful music production work can give you. I can make for you an instrumental on which we will then record your voice together, or working from a distance I will give you all the most important indications for an optimal result.

  • Pop-Rock
  • Pop
  • Electronic
  • Rock
  • Folk
  • Funk

I've arranged, produced, played and programmed everything, mixed and mastered the song

  • I've arranged, produced, played and programmed everything, mixed and mastered the song
  • Hey bulldog, Cover song
  • Imagine. Cover song
  • I've arranged, produced, played and programmed everything, mixed and mastered the song

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