Transcribe your Music for $40

In Transcription 100% Guarantee By Maximiliano Benitez Prieto

Transcribe your Music for $40

Transcribe your music. Send your song to put all notes and make your music score, with your passion and your terms. There´s no more magic than see in a page all the music we create, then we can share it with musicians and with the world. It doesn't matter if you play in a band or you are a soloist, the important it´s put your music in a universal lenguage, the lenguage of music. Be part of the universe. Be part of the universe with your music.
I´m a music teacher and teach in music academies and institutes. I've been working with music for more than 20 years and i can share it with your sounds, chords and melodies. So send all your questions and make your music be a part of something bigger than you.

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