Get a professional accurate transcription note for note of your song, cover or complex jazz solo for $80

In Transcription 100% Guarantee By Yannly972

Get a professional accurate transcription note for note of your song, cover or complex jazz solo for $80

Turn your original songs into sheet music or get transcriptions of impossible to find anywhere. .
From simple lead sheet to complex jazz improvisation notation, I turn your audio into sheet music and send you the PDF file.
Accurate music transcription from audio requires a great deal knowledge, ears training and attention to details.
Year of experience can make the process simple and efficient for you.

EXAMPLES - of my work- please, check the video in my profile. ||
[ I don't know what's happening for the images. ]


Transcription clear, accurate and PDF files.
- Chords notation
- Note for note transcription
- Tranposition: change of key
- Lead sheet: One staff with melody and chord notation
- Music Chart: chord notation, fills/breaks, rhythm

Please, always write for before ordering. Send me your mp3 file or YouTube link and specify exactly what you want: one instrument or full score and I will set you a price.
For singer part: You always have to provide me your text file.

Mainly, I can complete your work on a week however it depends

I SPEAK: French, English , Spanish.

This part only covers things we already discussed when you ordered me for your work.
I can do some correction if you prefer different notation.
However, always specify what you want as the beginning of the project.
Don't worry, my goal has always been to make my customers happy ;)

  • Jazz
  • Pop
  • Pop-Rock
  • Soul
  • Swing
  • Reggae

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