Film Score / Stock Track / Library Music / Backing Track by Berklee Graduate for $120

In Arrangements By J1sounds

Film Score / Stock Track / Library Music / Backing Track by Berklee Graduate for $120

Get a custom instrumental track for your project made by a professional NYC based musician with a Bachelor's in Performance and Composition from Berklee. I will make an instrumental around 3 minutes long, (message me for rates on multiple tracks or tracks longer than 3 minutes). I specialize in electronic, jazz, funk, and ambient styles. I can make a track that sounds futuristic or I can make something with a vintage vibe.

I have a collection of vintage instruments, namely synthesizers, drums, drum machines, and bass. I can print instruments to tape if desired with my 8 channel 1/4" reel to reel deck. I am experienced with electronic programming and synthesis, for soundscapes and electronic pieces.

Daily Rhythm

This was a last minute commission. I was contacted less than two days before the audio was needed for submission.
  • Daily Rhythm

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