Idea Multimedia Studios launched its operations under the leadership of Nalin Vinayak in April 2020. Since then, the studio has displayed remarkable proficiency in delivering radio ready mixes and masters, ad jingles, background scores and arrangement/production related services. In its debut year, Idea Multimedia studios worked on over 18 singles with 8 Artists and 3 jingles/ad film sores - all c...
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Idea Multimedia Studios launched its operations under the leadership of Nalin Vinayak in April 2020. Since then, the studio has displayed remarkable proficiency in delivering radio ready mixes and masters, ad jingles, background scores and arrangement/production related services. In its debut year, Idea Multimedia studios worked on over 18 singles with 8 Artists and 3 jingles/ad film sores - all conceived, recorded and produced in house.
Nalin Vinayak himself is an ambitious and prolific music composer, producer and audio engineer who is rapidly expanding into scoring for the film and gaming industries and is currently in bootstrap stages with select movie producers. Nalin was awarded a Diploma in Audio Engineering from KM College of Music and Technology in 2020 and a Diploma in Guitar Performance from Rockschool UK in 2016.
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