review your music and publish on sleepingbagstudios music site for $85

In Music Promotion By katara

review your music and publish on sleepingbagstudios music site for $85

In-depth review on up to 2 songs, approx. 500 words + one audio OR video embed!

With the different packages available through fiverr - we provide you with an in-depth, honest review that gets you genuine insight into your music from the perspective of someone that truly respects musicians & cares about all genres, styles & range of talents from brand-new artists/bands, to professional veterans of the music-scene we share.

Our writing is 100% unique and second to none; music is your art - and writing is ours.

All reviews are published permanently on our dedicated music website at sleepingbagstudios, guaranteed!

Thousands of artists & bands have trusted us with their tunes for the past decade here at Fiverr, and we're always looking forward to hearing more! We cover ALL genres - we write from a respectful, critical, and in-depth observational point of view, and do the best we can to provide true value in what we say, all in a sincere effort to communicate what's great about your music, and also to help you excel in your craft going forward, as best we can.

Your music deserves a great write-up!

Treat yourself - you've earned it.

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