Recorded guitar backing track for $20

In Backing Tracks 100% Guarantee By Diego Romero

Recorded guitar backing track for $20

I can record a high-quality backing track for you to sing to. It can be any song, as long as you are ok with a guitar backing track.
HQ Audio Track
The price is per minute of audio. It could vary depending on the length and complexity of the song.
Additional services can also be discussed:
- Identify your tone of voice
- Transpose the song so that it is right for your voice tone
- Practice the song with me while I play the guitar so that you can gain confidence
- Recorded notes guide
- Music sheet for backing track and/or melody

  • Country
  • Latin
  • Lounge
  • Musical theatre
  • Pop
  • World

El Suquipuquero

Backing Track
  • El Suquipuquero

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