Album Cover/Single Cover Artwork for $25

In Design In Album Artwork 100% Guarantee By SpaceBoy

Album Cover/Single Cover Artwork for $25

I offer high quality photo editing which I do on a Macbook Pro and an Iphone X. I mainly use apps like Polarr, Glitché, Gimp, and a few others to edit the album photo. Initially when an artist requests my services I like to begin by messaging back and forth about the general direction and ideas the artist has/wants. This way I can better cater to the want of the artist. After the messaging I will begin editing your photo or a photo I already have and at that point you can expect to have your first revision back within 12 to 24 hours. I offer up to 15 revisions and if you are not satisfied after 15 revisions you will receive a full refund.

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